TeSlate Update - 1.4.4

Once again it's time for another TeSlate update. Over the past months we have received lots of feedback to our app and one particular feature has been requested by many of you.

A Customizable Widget Background

There are many reasons to change your background to something different than your vehicle color: Some users prefer their UI in a darker color, some simply don't enjoy having the same color in front and back and some want to replicate the TeSlate logo color scheme ;)

Of course once you changed the color manually, you can always switch back to the automatic coloring of the widget. The color selection will be applied to all widgets, no matter their size.

If you haven't received the update already, either wait for the iPhone to do it automatically or manually update TeSlate in the AppStore.

‎TeSlate is a beautiful widget crafted for iOS 14. TeSlate communicates with your Tesla vehicle and shows you useful information on your home screen. Choose which car is displayed in the app.